Save the patient from the viruses. Drop pills on the body scanner to take care of the patient. 

Viruses can replicate if they are near each other. If they are different colors the new virus will be a combination of the parents colors.

Pills will dissolve and kill viruses with the same color around the dissolved pill. You can combine pills to make them effective against different virus colors. A red pill dropped on a green pill will kill all red viruses, all blue viruses, and any combined red and blue viruses.

Good Luck Doctor!


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It is not obvious that you need to drag and drop pills and that you can also drag and drop pills after they have been placed. I understand the time limitation of the jam, but you might mention it in the description.

Also, is it possible to win? Normal mode seems super hard and I lose pretty fast, on Easy mode I don't lose, but there are three seemingly unkillable bacterias, that withstood all the combinations.

(1 edit)

I agree with your feedback and appreciate you giving it a try. You should be able to win. Sorry about the limited directions, was our first jam so learned a lot.

Also did you try the 3 pill combo of rgb? Should kill everything right around the pill. Nothing should survive it.

Easy I can win pretty often, normal is like 1/4 of the time, never won insane, it might not be possible but it should be, gotta be really fast though.

> Also did you try the 3 pill combo of rgb?

I think I did, but not sure...